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AFL helps Warrington UTC to an Ofsted Good

The Alliance for Learning Teaching School (AFL), part of Bright Futures Educational Trust, provides school improvement services and CPD to schools and colleges all over the region and beyond – and just one example of an educational establishment that has benefited from the wealth of outreach expertise is Warrington UTC.

The Teaching School (AFL) has provided the University Technical College – which specialises in Science, Engineering and Cyber technologies – with bespoke CPD, SLE support, teaching and learning reviews and middle leadership training, so we were delighted to see the college get a ‘Good’ rating at its first ever Ofsted. Key areas of the college were examined including leadership, quality of teaching, personal development, behaviour and welfare as well as outcomes for students. The UTC was judged to be GOOD in all areas, with Ofsted noting that, “Much of the training for teachers is done in partnership with a local teaching school. Such links give leaders specialist advice and information that they can use to enhance the college’s provision.” The report concluded: “The college has developed and improved over its first three years. Leaders and other staff have worked together to ensure it provides a good quality of education.”

Lisa Fathers, Director of Teaching School and Partnerships, comments: “We were thrilled to see Warrington UTC get such positive comments from Ofsted. We have worked closely with the leadership team there over the past year to provide objective challenge and support and to really target the areas for development. This gives us a great endorsement which we can continue to build on in our school improvement work across the northwest.”

(picture credit Warrington Guardian)

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Manchester M41 6NA